Un plongeur photographie avec sa caméra sous-marine

Do you have a beautiful underwater picture of yourself and / or your child ?

That’s how you can positively value underwater picture:

I find that (too) many people do not yet know our wonderful world of diving and it remains a mystery to them. Therefore, they sometimes feel less concerned by the underwater world. And do not always participate in its preservation. So let’s try underwater picture.

During the months of February and March, I would like to realize a project to demystify the world of diving, encourage people to begin with this extraordinary adventure, or at least discover it.

If you have short videos of you (max 1 minute, that’s fine too). Or underwater picture 😉

Also I need YOU all who are interested in scuba diving

Indeed, I am looking for a hundred pictures of divers of all profiles: small, big, young, old, thin, fat, women, men, people with a disability, … all people in its place on Different Dive 🤗

You want to help me and see at the same time your most beautiful  photo published ?

It’s very simple, send me an underwater picture of you diving and / or ready to go indicating:

– Your surname
– The place where the photo was taken
– The sentence :
“I affirm that I have the image and the author rights for the picture attached to this email. I authorize the author/owner of the Different Dive blog to use and distribute it as part of her blog. This picture can not in any case be associated with violent content, degrading and / or contrary to the law of the country of diffusion “

Send to the email address:

By participating, you will make me a huge pleasure while also enhancing your most beautiful underwater picture of a diver 😉

Can I count on all of you to allow me to realize this crazy project?

I thank you warmly for your help

And above all … do not forget to be happy 😊


PS: do you want us to stay connected and want to be notified of upcoming articles? Sign up on the Facebook Page, for the Newsletter or check the box reserved for this purpose by posting a message below … other articles will follow very soon 🙂